MagPlex® Monitoring Microspheres Let xMAP® Users Take Troubleshooting into Their Own Hands

Monitoring beads help users troubleshoot unexpected median fluorescent intensity patterns and weak signals, providing added confidence in your assay results

We’re excited to announce the availability of our new MagPlex® Monitoring Microspheres. Designed for assay design and development, these monitoring aids make it possible for customers to monitor reporter values and reporter channel performance well-by-well.

“It’s very handy to have these beads in the reaction so if a problem does arise, you can quickly identify whether it’s on the instrument or the assay side,” says Stephen Angeloni, PhD, Senior Field Application Scientist at Luminex. “They’re useful for quality control in an assay.”

Before these beads became a commercially available product, Dr. Angeloni used them to help customers who were having technical challenges with their assays, such as weak signals or unexpected fluorescence patterns. Adding monitoring beads made it easier to troubleshoot the cause of those issues.

Since using the monitoring beads, Dr. Angeloni has helped customers identify some common culprits of assay issues, including degraded reagents, forgotten detection reagents, and reagents that were pipetted in the wrong amount. When these types of issues arise, being able to pinpoint which one is the cause behind an assay that just isn’t working optimally can save researchers a lot of time.

A glimpse into the beads

The beads are magnetic polystyrene microspheres that have been color-coded to classify to a specific region while providing reporter MFI values specific to instrument type and reporter modes. The reporter dyes are inside the beads rather than on the surface, so there is no modification necessary to use them in the regular xMAP workflow. They can simply be combined with the other beads needed for an assay.

MagPlex Monitoring Microspheres require the use of xPONENT® or INTELLIFLEX software, and two products are available depending on the reporter channel being monitored:

  • RP1 Monitor beads (region 45), which are compatible with all xMAP instruments, including the MAGPIX®, Luminex® 200™, FLEXMAP 3D®, xMAP® INTELLIFLEX, and xMAP INTELLIFLEX DR-SE systems.
  • RP2 Monitor beads (region 222), which are only compatible with the INTELLIFLEX DR-SE System.

We’re constantly impressed by the different ways our customers use our products to meet their unique needs, and we’re committed to developing solutions that optimize the xMAP Technology experience, like these new microspheres. To learn more about them, take a look at our website, or download a flyer with more information.

Learn more about MagPlex Monitoring Microsphere here.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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Luminex Licensed Technologies Partner Spotlight: Wageningen Prime Diagnostics

Multiplex molecular testing for plant pathogens

In the agricultural community, there’s a need for high-quality molecular testing. Pathogens can appear without warning and decimate entire crops. Farmers, plant breeders, and other members of the agricultural community need access to simple, affordable, and accurate tests for known and emerging threats to monitor plant pathogens when they first appear and prevent catastrophic crop or resource loss.

Wageningen Prime Diagnostics was founded two decades ago to address this need. As part of the Wageningen University & Research in the Netherlands, Prime Diagnostics develops and sells a large portfolio of test kits for crops, garden flowers, and other economically important plants.

Scientists at Wageningen Prime Diagnostics often design multiplex assays to allow customers to test for many pathogens at once. They use Luminex’s bead-based multiplexing xMAP® Technology for streamlined development, reliable components, and robust test kits. Prime Diagnostics has been a Luminex Licensed Technologies Partner since 2007 and now offers more than 100 xMAP-based kits for pathogen detection in plants.

How the team has expanded their global reach

We talked with Manager José van Beckhoven and Senior Researcher Jan Bergervoet to learn more about Prime Diagnostics. “We produce, develop, and sell diagnostic kits for the detection of plant pathogens all over the world,” van Beckhoven says. “We focus mainly on viruses and bacteria, with some tests for fungi as well.”

Before Prime Diagnostics was founded, scientists at the university offered plant pathogen detection services to organizations around the Netherlands. But they soon realized demand went well beyond their borders. “Companies around the world were interested in this approach to keep their crops healthy by testing them for diseases,” Bergervoet says. They formed Wageningen Prime Diagnostics as a supplier of diagnostic reagents and services that could reach a global audience.

Customers need testing for two primary reasons: to ensure that the plants used for propagation and breeding are healthy, and to monitor for disease outbreaks among crops.

Identifying trends in plant pathogen detection

Pathogens emerge and spread quickly, which makes trying to predict the pathogens customers will need to test for each season complicated. “It’s very difficult to forecast what we have to have in stock,” Bergervoet says.

Van Beckhoven compares plant pathogens to the COVID-19 pandemic—“[it’s] something that wasn’t there, and suddenly it’s everywhere,” she says. At the moment, there are worrisome pathogen-borne diseases affecting tomatoes, potatoes, and bananas. “People start thinking about how to get rid of this pathogen, and that’s when testing becomes the focus,” she adds.

Why Prime Diagnostics chose to implement xMAP Technology

The team began evaluating Luminex’s bead-based multiplexing technology in the early 2000s, and the advent of magnetic beads sealed the deal—Wageningen Prime Diagnostics has been using xMAP Technology ever since. They were among the first to publish on Luminex’s magnetic bead technology, sharing their data from testing for disease in potato plants.

Implementing xMAP Technology was important for achieving the level of multiplexing needed for plant pathogen tests. “Some garden plants are notorious for having a lot of pathogens attack them,” van Beckhoven says. “In plant propagation, they multiplex a lot because they have to focus on so many different pathogens. Luminex is perfect for that.” Recently developed tests include an 18-plex kit for petunias, as well as a group of tobamoviruses that infect tomatoes, peppers, potatoes, and eggplants.

“Our experience with Luminex has been very good,” says Bergervoet, who develops many of their xMAP-based tests. “The technology is very robust and the bead quality is very consistent.”

That consistency is especially important because customers often run high-volume operations, testing thousands of samples each day in fully automated pipelines. “We looked at what our customers wanted and what Luminex could offer, and it was a good match,” van Beckhoven says. “We have different platforms we develop tests on, and Luminex is the easiest and most robust. It’s almost foolproof.”

Wageningen Prime Diagnostics is one of our exclusive partners that span a wide range of industries and specialties. You can view a full list of our partners by visiting our website, or if you’re interested in becoming a partner, you can learn more here.

Learn more about the benefits of becoming a Luminex Partner here.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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For Cytokine Profiling, xMAP® Technology Outperforms ECL Kits

Multiplex immunoassays compared with brain cancer biomarker detection

Accurately staging any cancer can be challenging, but assessing glioblastomas hidden in the brain is even more difficult. Scientists are working hard to discover and validate blood-based biomarkers that could provide useful prognostic and diagnostic information for these malignancies while overcoming the major accessibility issue associated with brain tumors. Cytokines are especially promising since they are released as part of the natural immune response to glioblastomas.

Recently, a team of scientists at Washington University School of Medicine aimed to evaluate the performance of two different multiplex immunoassay techniques for cytokine profiling in plasma samples from patients with brain tumors and healthy volunteers. They compared an assay on the Luminex FLEXMAP 3D® system to planar electrochemiluminescence (ECL) kits from another vendor, and both techniques were performed in 96-well plates.

Comparing two leading immunoassay platforms

The Luminex assay covered 21 cytokines in a single reaction, while it took three separate ECL kits to cover 20 cytokines. The team evaluated performance based on the 19 cytokines common to both methods, using the same set of samples for each: 27 samples from glioblastoma patients, 17 samples from subjects with cancer metastasized to the brain, and 11 samples from healthy controls.

With the FLEXMAP 3D system, all 19 cytokines were quantified in all 55 samples. The ECL kits, though, struggled to perform as well. While calibration curves suggested a lower limit of detection, the kits failed to detect seven of the 19 cytokines in more than 25% of samples. One cytokine, IL-21, could not be detected in any sample using the ECL kits. Collectively, these data indicate that the Luminex technology offers superior performance with real-world samples for rapidly quantifying many cytokines.

In addition, the team analyzed the operator time needed for each approach. They found that the Luminex technique took 1 hour and 38 minutes of hands-on time, while the ECL kits took 2 hours and 42 minutes of hands-on time. The longer time was associated with having to run multiple ECL plates to cover the target number of cytokines.

Overall, the team determined that multiplex assays have advantages over singleplex colorimetric ELISAs, as they streamline cytokine profiling while simultaneously decreasing cost and time in motion.

If you’re interested in learning more about how xMAP Technology can streamline your workflow and expand your research, we’ve developed a free cost comparison tool that demonstrates how much time and money you can save by entering your custom lab parameters.

Read the full study from Washington University here.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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Mayo Clinic Scientists Validate xMAP® SARS-CoV-2 Serological Assay with Dried Blood Spots

Dried blood spot sample type is less invasive and easier for labs to manage

SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing has been well established, but requiring a full blood draw from each individual is invasive and requires a phlebotomist. Now, scientists at the Mayo Clinic have a solution: they validated the Luminex xMAP® SARS-CoV-2 Multi-Antigen IgG Assay for use with dried blood spots, which can be collected with a finger stick.

The ability to get reliable antibody measurements from dried blood spots is an advance for clinical labs. Because blood spots are more stable and viable for longer periods, they are easier and less expensive to ship and store compared to traditional blood draw tubes. They also result in fewer re-sampling orders.

Evolving SARS-CoV-2 antibody testing methods

In a paper published in PLoS One, researchers note that the ability to test dried blood spots would be an important step in expanding serological testing associated with the COVID-19 pandemic. To determine whether scientists could use blood spot samples for SARS-CoV-2 antibody detection, the researchers tested nearly 160 paired samples of dried blood spots and serum specimens collected from the same person. The samples were run using the xMAP assay and two other commercially available assays for comparison.

The Mayo Clinic team had previously validated another SARS-CoV-2 serological assay with dried blood spots, but they found that its high false-positive rate necessitated confirmatory testing, which required a standard blood draw sample. To avoid this, they turned to the multiplex xMAP assay. Because this assay detects IgG for three viral antigens—the spike protein, receptor-binding domain, and nucleocapsid—it is less likely to produce false-positive or false-negative results. In addition, the low sample volume requirements for the xMAP assay make it a good fit for use with dried blood spots.

“We show excellent correlation of results between the modified Luminex xMAP assay performed on [dried blood spot] specimens and the comparator assays with FDA EUA performed on serum,” the team reports. Overall concordance was 96.9%—the authors describe it as “almost perfect agreement”—and went up to 99.4% with the implementation of pattern recognition software designed to adjust detection thresholds.

Compared to other dried blood spot tests, the scientists note that their technique requires the smallest amount of blood: just a 3 mm punch, or about 3.2 μL of whole blood. This allows “some latitude to the quality and amount of finger stick blood collected on the card, which minimizes the need for repeat collection,” they noted.

A high-throughput, reliable testing option

The modified xMAP method also scales well for labs performing high-throughput serology testing. “The extraction, processing, and analysis of 92 patient samples and 4 controls/calibrators can be completed within 6.5 hours by a single technologist,” the team notes. “This protocol allows for a throughput of 644 samples, completed by two technologists using one analyzer, within an 8-hour shift.”

“The Luminex xMAP workflow [for dried blood spots] … presents an attractive and safe means to perform community or institutional seroprevalence studies,” the scientists conclude.

To learn more about the xMAP SARS‑CoV‑2 Multi-Antigen IgG Assay (EUA)—a comprehensive multiplex assay that enables rapid and reliable detection of SARS-CoV-2 antibodies—please visit our website. Read the full Mayo Clinic study referenced in this blog here.

Learn more about the xMAP SARS-CoV-2 Multi-Antigen IgG Assay (EUA) here.

(EUA) In Vitro Diagnostic Use Under Emergency Use Authorization. This test has not been FDA cleared or approved. This test has been authorized by the FDA under an EUA for use by authorized laboratories.

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First Impressions: New Users Get Up to Speed on xMAP® Technology

Luminex interns share what they wish people knew about multiplexing

Scientists who use xMAP® Technology deploy it for a broad range of applications. But there’s one thing they all have in common: at some point, they were all new to the platform and had to learn how to use it for the first time.

To help emerging scientists bridge the gap from college to careers in the life sciences, we offer an internship program in our LuminexPLORE custom assay development lab, where we introduce our interns to xMAP Technology. They’ve already become pros in the short time they’ve been here, and they have made valuable contributions to projects while helping turn our clients’ dream assays into reality.

We recently spoke with Atharwa Mankame and Katie O’Connor, both graduating seniors at The University of Texas at Austin this spring, to learn more about their experiences and what they learned as new xMAP users. They gave us some insight into their introductions to bead-based multiplexing.

Learning about xMAP Technology

“[Multiplexing] lets you maximize the usage of each sample to make sure you’re getting the most out of what you have.”
— Katie O’Connor, LuminexPLORE Lab Intern

Both interns were unfamiliar with xMAP Technology when they started, but they got up to speed quickly and discovered the value of multiplexing. “You use less resources and you save a lot of time. Multiplexing helps you finish everything faster,” Mankame said. “If you want to test for one target in one sample on an ELISA, that takes maybe six hours. But if you have 10 targets to run in triplicate, that’s two weeks of testing versus one day for xMAP.” That capacity resonated with him since he had previously run several singleplex ELISAs in his university lab, where the process took an entire month. “With multiplexing in the LuminexPLORE lab, we’re doing four plexes every two hours,” he said.

According to O’Connor, multiplexing is “also really nice for consistency, particularly for limited volume samples. It lets you maximize the usage of each sample to make sure you’re getting the most out of what you have.” She noted that the ability to design custom assays is also valuable.

Hands-on experience in the LuminexPLORE lab

The interns learned through firsthand experience how multiplexing reduces time at the bench, freeing up each scientist to spend more time analyzing results and planning future experiments. “The best part about the LuminexPLORE lab is that it only takes an hour to prep your project, and then you have the rest of the day to analyze your data, talk to clients, and take care of other tasks,” Mankame said.

Tips and tricks from the lab

We also asked the interns about the best tricks they’d learned. “Vortex and sonicate to maintain even distribution of beads in solution and maximize contact surface area and accuracy of assays,” O’Connor told us.

“Pre-wet your tips to maintain consistency during aspiration,” Mankame said.

“The best part about the LuminexPLORE lab is that it only takes an hour to prep your project, and then you have the rest of the day to analyze your data, talk to clients, and take care of other tasks.”
— Atharwa Mankame, LuminexPLORE Lab Intern

Both interns enjoyed their time and education in the LuminexPLORE lab. “It’s been really cool working with people who developed xMAP Technology and helping to optimize assays for scientists who are using these platforms,” O’Connor said.

Whether you’re an intern or an experienced researcher, we have multiple resources to help you get started with xMAP Technology or explore custom assay development. Our xMAP Cookbook is a free collection of methods and protocols for developing your own assays, and is available for download here. To learn more about LuminexPLORE Lab, our custom services program designed to help accelerate your research, click here.

Learn more about LuminexPLORE Lab, our custom services program.

Accelerate Your Research

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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Selecting the Right Plate Magnet for Luminex Assays

With the introduction of MagPlex® beads, more streamlined protocols can be developed for protein and nucleic acid applications.

With magnetic beads, high throughput experiments being done in 96 well plates or higher formats no longer need to have washing and other buffer exchange steps done by spinning plates or washing beads with filter plates. Such steps increase processing times, prevent developing automated protocols, and contribute to bead loss and higher CVs. By switching MicroPlex® bead assays to MagPlex® beads, protocol times can be shortened, and lower bead loss generates more reliable and reproducible data.

Because a large number of different plate magnet designs are available, selection of the right plate magnet is critical to maximize the advantages of using MagPlex® beads. Four different plate magnets designs include 1) flat plate magnets, 2) bar magnets, 3) post magnets, and 4) Ring magnets (Table 1). Several factors need to be considered to determine which magnet design fits your needs best. One of the first factors to consider is the type of assay it is used for, a protein based assay or nucleic acid assay with PCR steps and/or heated reading.

Many protein-based assays can be done in flat bottom microtiter plates and processed manually with or without plate washers. These types of assays can use flat plate magnets—where the entire bottom of the magnet is magnetized. While this type of magnet may be suitable for low sample number experiments processed manually, higher throughput experiments employing more automated handling may require a shift to bar-, post-, or ring-type magnets—especially when they need to shift away from flat bottom plates and need plates with conical or curved wells. In this case, several other factors similar to those required for nucleic acid assays need to be considered as described below.

Most nucleic acid assays—especially those with PCR steps—can be processed manually or with semi-automated protocols. Due to the sensitivity of the PCR steps, it is crucial to prevent cross contamination between wells on the plate. As a result, whether using a manual processing protocol or automated protocol, disposable tips are required to eliminate any cross contamination between wells on the plates. In addition, the need to run reactions in a thermal cycler or analyze in the Luminex heater block requires the use of PCR plates with conical shaped wells.

During different steps in the protocols and during washing steps, these assay characteristics require the complete removal of buffers from the wells with minimal bead loss. This requires a magnet design that will pull the beads to the sides of the wells so that pipette tips can go all the way to the bottom for complete removal of reaction buffers. For PCR-based nucleic acid assays and high throughput protein assays employing conical well plates, the two following factors must to be considered.

  1. At any step in the protocol when the magnet is needed and the plate fits securely on the magnet, is the reaction volume large enough that the top of the solution is above the top of the magnet? If the top of the solution is below the top of the magnet, beads can be pulled out of the solution, dramatically altering the reliability of the assay (Figure 1).
  2. Is the magnet strong enough to pull the beads out of the way in a short period of time? Reaction solutions can have different viscosities and will require different strength magnets. So the strongest magnet that also meets the needs of requirement 1 above will be the preferred magnet—especially if it can clear the solution of beads within 2 minutes or less.

So whether you are designing a multiplex proteomic assay or nucleic acid assay, keep these guidelines in mind when selecting a plate magnet. If you need further recommendations for the best magnet for your specific Luminex application, contact Luminex technical support or your Field Application Scientist for more information.

3 New Studies Show How xMAP INTELLIFLEX® Delivers Double the Data

Get two results per analyte with our new dual reporter feature

In the newest generation of our xMAP® Technology, the xMAP INTELLIFLEX® DR-SE System, we’ve added more than a few exciting features, including the unique dual reporter functionality powered by a second reporter laser. Designed to increase data output while using less sample, this new feature allows users to collect double the amount of data for each analyte in a multiplex study.

To show how this capability could make a difference in various applications, we’ve recently published a tech note detailing three studies conducted on the INTELLIFLEX DR-SE System. Each study includes detailed protocols, materials used, and results, enabling scientists to integrate these methods into their own research.

Versatility of the dual reporter

In the first study, we evaluated the dual reporter functionality using an xTAG® oligo hybridization assay. We studied different pairs of reporter dyes in various hybridization buffers to determine if two dyes that bind to different oligo targets on different bead sets can be used in a single reaction without interference. Overall, the data shows that the dual reporter function of the INTELLIFLEX DR-SE System can be used successfully for detecting oligo targets captured onto separate bead regions without any interference between the different dyes and the reporter channels.

For the second study, we ran an antibody isotyping assay for SARS-CoV-2 with several pairs of commercially available reporter dyes to simultaneously measure IgG and IgM in the same well. Results showed that the dual reporter function can be successfully used for detecting different protein molecules (i.e., two antibody isotypes) on the same bead without interference between the dyes and the reporter channels.

The third study was designed to test the dual reporter channels using a DNA hybridization assay to determine if two dyes that bind to the same target on the same bead set can be used in a single reaction. We used a 55-nucleotide oligo target in a no-wash hybridization assay with 1X xTAG® hybridization buffer. There was no effect or interference on signal output when both dyes were bound to the same molecule on the same bead.

But wait, there’s more

The addition of the dual reporter feature is an exciting development in xMAP Technology, and we can’t wait to see the ways it’s applied to advance your research. Other new INTELLIFLEX features include an integrated PC and touchscreen with a compact design to minimize footprint, an increased dynamic range, new intuitive software, and more.

If you’d like to learn more about the new features in the INTELLIFLEX platform, check out the other available technical documents here.

Read the full tech note.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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At Norway-Based Genetic Analysis, Scientists Multiplex Biomarkers to Measure Gut Microbiome Health

xMAP® Technology powers a commercial assay spanning 50 biomarkers

Our research Partners are an invaluable part of our team, connecting the xMAP® community with powerful, customizable kits and application and product expertise. On our blog, we’d like to shine the spotlight on our unique Partners and the work they’re doing with xMAP® Technology.

Based in Norway, Genetic Analysis offers testing to help physicians understand the health of their patients’ gut microbiomes. We profiled their team in 2017, and since then, they’ve made exciting progress in a few key areas.

Scientists at Genetic Analysis developed the GA-map® Dysbiosis Test, an assay that analyzes fecal samples to determine whether or not a patient’s gut microbiome is in a healthy state. When dysbiosis occurs, patients may experience conditions such as inflammatory bowel disease, irritable bowel syndrome, and other problems.

The test, based on xMAP Technology, analyzes 50 microbial targets associated with symbiotic gut microbes. That information is calculated into a dysbiosis index value and compared to a healthy reference profile to assess each patient. The test can be run at the Genetic Analysis service lab or ordered as a reagent kit for use in other labs. It was the first CE-marked in vitro diagnostic (IVD) test to provide microbiota profiles and dysbiosis status for gastrointestinal indications.

Building this assay has taken substantial research and dedication, especially since there is no simple definition for what makes a healthy gut microbiome. “We have collected hundreds of normal healthy samples, and they are all different,” said Finn Terje Hegge, PhD, Chief Technical Officer.

The team started building its reference profile based on samples from healthy donors in small countries with less diverse populations: Denmark, Sweden, and Norway. “We found a set of markers that were always present in the healthy population,” Dr. Hegge said. After that, the team expanded to Germany, Spain, and Italy. “We found that those markers were also valid for those countries,” he added. Now, the company is analyzing samples collected in the much more heterogeneous United States and aims to move to China next.

Genetic Analysis Quote

As this core set of biomarkers is validated in more populations, the Genetic Analysis team is also collaborating with universities and hospitals to document how useful the test is for guiding disease treatment, monitoring disease progression, and analyzing fecal microbiota transplants.

When the dysbiosis test was initially conceived in an academic lab, it was originally based on microarray technology, but Dr. Hegge and his colleagues knew that approach wouldn’t scale for the high-throughput lab they built as the test was being commercialized. Likewise, qPCR assays couldn’t multiplex to cover 50 different biomarkers. They identified xMAP Technology as a strong candidate because it could analyze many different biomarkers in a single tube. The team also liked Luminex’s reputation. “We wanted a Partner that was bigger and stronger than ourselves,” Dr. Hegge said.

Achieving growth and increased value with a Luminex Partnership

As a Luminex research Partner, we support Genetic Analysis with their marketing and technical efforts. “Luminex understands the challenges of small companies and that things don’t always happen as planned,” Dr. Hegge said. “They are very helpful and responsive. I would definitely recommend Luminex as a Partner.”

Our Partners are a diverse group of industry leaders representing different market segments and expertise areas. To learn more about Genetic Analysis, visit their website. For more information about the benefits of becoming a Luminex Partner, you can check out our Partner page.

Learn more about the benefits of becoming a Luminex Partner here.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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It is an exciting time here at Luminex!

The newest member of the xMAP® family, xMAP INTELLIFLEX®, arrived, and our team installed the first system at the Natural and Medical Sciences Institute (NMI) in Reutlingen, Germany. Rob Wilkens, Technical Service Supervisor, and Wilco de Jager, Senior Field Applications Scientist, traveled to NMI to successfully install the system and train the lab users. Dr. Nicole Schneiderhan-Marra, Head of Multiplex Immunoassays and the Pharma and Biotech Department at NMI, was excited to introduce the INTELLIFLEX system to her lab.

The first xMAP INTELLIFLEX® System traveled from Luminex’s headquarters in Austin Texas and was installed at the Natural and Medical Sciences Institute (NMI) in Reutlingen, Germany by Rob Wilkens, Technical Service Supervisor, and Wilco de Jager, Senior Field Applications Specialist.

Luminex Corporation, Austin
xMAP INTELLIFLEX® unit ready to ship!

Natural and Medical Sciences Institute (NMI) Reutlingen, Germany
Wilco de Jager and
Rob Wilkens

Set up and ready to go in the NMI lab!
Wilco de Jager and
Rob Wilkens

The newest generation of xMAP® Technology has arrived.

Technology you trust. Versatility you want.
Built on the proven performance of xMAP Technology, xMAP INTELLIFLEX is a modern, flow-based platform built to enhance performance and simplify the user experience.

xMAP® Technology by the Numbers

The Luminex team in our headquarters in Austin packs up the first INTELLIFLEX system to head to its new laboratory.

Luminex team members Rob Wilkens and Wilco de Jager install the first INTELLIFLEX system at NMI.

Dr. Nicole Schneiderhan-Marra, NMI, stands next to the INTELLIFLEX system in her lab.

We’re excited to see how the team at NMI uses INTELLIFLEX to empower their research! This new platform combines the proven performance of our bead-based xMAP multiplexing technology with modern features to enhance performance, empower assay development innovation, and simplify the user experience. If you’d like to learn more about INTELLIFLEX, check out our recent blog with more details about the exciting new features that allow you to do more with less, or head over to our website for more information.

Learn more about the xMAP INTELLIFLEX platform here.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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Partnering the new xMAP INTELLIFLEX® Platform with Partner Software: 5 Packages to Improve Your Data Analysis

The launch of the new xMAP INTELLIFLEX® platform marks a reinvigoration of xMAP® Technology, guided and informed by the voice of our customers.

During the development process of the xMAP INTELLIFLEX® System, we worked with current xMAP users to understand how they use xMAP Technology and what features they’d like to see in the next generation of xMAP Systems. Based on the responses, it became clear that analytical packages—particularly those provided by our Partner companies—are a critical component of data processing.

To this end, xMAP INTELLIFLEX Software, which comes on the integrated PC of the xMAP INTELLIFLEX platform, was developed to optimize workflows and allow users to quickly master the platform. Combined with the wealth of information the system collects, users can gather performance insights at a glance and then export that data in a customizable output format, or they can use the pre-programmed xPONENT®-format output setting that creates a file-ready to import into analytical packages familiar to existing xMAP users. With xMAP INTELLIFLEX, we wanted to provide a solution that could fit the needs of every scientist in every lab, no matter how rich or lean your data is.

Solutions from our Partners

Several of our Partners have analytical packages that support the analysis of data collected using their kits, which also serve as open platforms for analyzing multiplex data from xMAP Systems. Here, we’ve provided a list of software currently available from our Partners that we tested with data generated on xMAP instruments, including the xMAP INTELLIFLEX Platform:

  1. Belysa™ from Millipore: Belysa™ 1.0.19 imports xPONENT-format raw data in .csv files from the xMAP INTELLIFLEX platform, as well as from MAGPIX®, Luminex® 100/200™, and FLEXMAP 3D® Systems.
  2. Bio-Plex® Manager from Bio-Rad: Bio-Plex Manager 6.2 imports xPONENT-format raw data in .csv files from the xMAP INTELLIFLEX instrument, as well as from MAGPIX, Luminex 100/200, and FLEXMAP 3D Systems.
  3. MILLIPLEX™ Analyst from Millipore: Analyst v5.1 imports xPONENT-format raw data in .csv files from validated xMAP instruments, including the new xMAP INTELLIFLEX instrument, as well as MAGPIX, Luminex 100/200, and FLEXMAP 3D Systems.
  4. ProcartaPlex™ Analysis cloud application from ThermoFisher Scientific: This application imports xPONENT-format raw data in .csv files from ProcartaPlex™ kits run on validated xMAP instruments and analyzes it based on pre-loaded kit and lot-specific values.
  5. QuantiGene Plex Data Analysis cloud application from ThermoFisher Scientific: This application imports xPONENT-format raw data in .csv files from QuantiGene Plex kits run on validated xMAP instruments and analyzes based on user-designated normalization genes.

Along with analytical packages, xMAP INTELLIFLEX Software is designed to make it easier than ever to focus on the data you want by allowing you to customize which data points are included in each file, easily aggregate data from multiple plates, and navigate your results in an intuitive file format.

To learn more about the new xMAP INTELLIFLEX platform, check out our website!

Learn more about the xMAP INTELLIFLEX platform here.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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