Safaa Rubeaay

The Faces of Luminex: Safaa Rubeaay, Manufacturing

Even after we have launched a product, our work isn’t yet done — we rely upon customer feedback to help us improve and address any product elements that are less than exceptional. For this critical step in our refinement process, we trust extraordinary experts like Safaa Rubeaay, Senior Manufacturing Engineer. Having joined Luminex in 2021, Safaa holds a bachelor’s degree in mechanical engineering from Al-Nahrain University and a master’s degree in industrial engineering from St. Mary’s University.

Safaa Rubeaay

Q: What are your responsibilities at Luminex?

A: I’m responsible for two of the product lines, and I work with the operations team on the floor to improve our process and troubleshoot issues. I also provide the operations team with updates on any design improvements or possible changes, as well as quality issues we may see in the field. Whether I’m in the office or on the manufacturing floor, my role is to support operations and work closely with the product designer improve processes and address customer feedback.

Q: How did you get started on this career path?

A: I taught fluid mechanics at Al-Nahrain University, where I got my first master’s degree. After earning my master’s degree in industrial engineering at St. Mary’s University, I worked as a product/manufacturing engineer for a variety of products.

Q: What drew you Luminex?

A: I joined Luminex in 2021 during the COVID-19 pandemic when it became so clear to me how important medical devices are with their role in helping our community.

Q: If you could solve any clinical or genetic challenge, what would it be?

A: Anemia and thalassemia.

Q: If you weren’t at Luminex, where would you be?

A: I would be somewhere far away from big cities.

Q: What is something about you that no one at Luminex knows?

A: I enjoy long walks and hikes.

Q: What’s your favorite thing to do in Austin on the weekend?

A: Jogging or hiking and enjoying time with the family.

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