The Faces of Luminex: Bruno De Oliveira, Engineering

By Caitlin Butterworth

Luminex’s Manufacturing and Engineering teams accomplish extraordinary feats, testing and tweaking workflow processes to ensure that every product we ship to customers reflects our standards for impeccable quality. For such invaluable work, we trust the consistent ability of team members like Bruno De Oliveira, Process Engineer I. Bruno joined Luminex in 2020 and has a bachelor’s degree in industrial engineering from Fluminense Federal University.

We sat down with Bruno to learn more about his goals, interests, and inspirations—both on and off the manufacturing floor.

Q: What are your responsibilities at Luminex?

A: I’m currently responsible for redesigning the instrument manufacturing floor and evaluating and implementing new processes to make the product line more efficient. I also perform equipment validations and troubleshooting.

Q: How did you get started on this career path?

A: I chose to become an industrial engineer and that’s given me a vast knowledge of techniques to improve processes in any industry segment. I worked in oil and gas for a few years, but when I moved to the U.S., my wife and brother-in-law got me interested in the biotech field. My wife is also in the medical field and we both feel that it gives us a sense of having an impact on people’s lives. It’s been an amazing experience.

Q: What drew you to Luminex?

A: Luminex was really interesting to me because it has so many different instruments based on several technologies. It’s a good opportunity for process engineering and also gives me the chance to better understand the biotech field.

Q: If you could solve any clinical or genetic challenge, what would it be?

A: I would want to develop treatments for neurodegenerative diseases. My father-in-law has been battling MSA, or multiple system atrophy, for a few years. I see how it’s taken a toll on his life and my wife’s as well.

Q: If you weren’t at Luminex, where would you be?

A: I would like to work more as a volunteer at my church.

Q: What is something about you that no one at Luminex knows?

A: My wife and I donate money to help missionaries around the world with humanitarian programs.

Q: What’s your favorite thing to do in Austin on the weekend?

A: It’s a nice city to be outdoors. When I’m not riding bikes with my wife at Lady Bird Lake, I like to play soccer with friends and coworkers.

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