Custom Assays: ‘If You Dream It, We Can Multiplex It’

This video presentation details assay development services available from MilliporeSigma

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With new biomarkers being published every day, fewer and fewer scientists can get exactly what they need from an off-the-shelf immunoassay kit. That’s why MilliporeSigma offers extensive custom xMAP® Technology assay design and development services, which are showcased in this 10-minute video presentation from Mike Godeny, Head of the Milliplex Reagent Business.

Recognizing that researchers have unique needs and widely varied interests in analytes, Godeny described two approaches MilliporeSigma has for delivering custom assays. The simpler method involves reconfiguring existing analytes from as many as three panels into a single, new multiplex assay.

The more intensive service requires the development of new analytes, multiplexing and verification of performance, and careful validation. For this service, Godeny and his team consult with customers about desired markers, sample type, and species before launching into assay development and design.

Importance of Customer Consultation

In the presentation, he offered examples of multiplex assays developed for Bayer to replace gold-standard ELISA tests, walking through the various steps of the process and the extensive validation protocols followed to ensure that the new assay met a customer’s needs, generated data that was comparable to the previous tests, and performed as well in the customer’s lab as it did in the hands of MilliporeSigma scientists.

Development Team Leads to Success

Godeny also shared some interesting statistics from the custom assay development team, which has developed everything from single-plex to 48-plex xMAP assays. They’ve developed more than 50 new analytes and had a success rate better than 98 percent.

If you’re curious about custom assay services, we encourage you to take a few minutes to watch Godeny’s informative presentation.


Custom Assay Development Case Study: Custom-Made Milliplex Map Assays Aid Unique Toxicity Tests