For Cytokine Profiling, xMAP® Technology Outperforms ECL Kits

Multiplex immunoassays compared with brain cancer biomarker detection


Accurately staging any cancer can be challenging, but assessing glioblastomas hidden in the brain is even more difficult. Scientists are working hard to discover and validate blood-based biomarkers that could provide useful prognostic and diagnostic information for these malignancies while overcoming the major accessibility issue associated with brain tumors. Cytokines are especially promising since they are released as part of the natural immune response to glioblastomas.

Recently, a team of scientists at Washington University School of Medicine aimed to evaluate the performance of two different multiplex immunoassay techniques for cytokine profiling in plasma samples from patients with brain tumors and healthy volunteers. They compared an assay on the Luminex ® Technology” href=”/xmap-technology/#overview”>xMAP Technology can streamline your workflow and expand your research, we’ve developed a free cost comparison tool that demonstrates how much time and money you can save by entering your custom lab parameters.

Read the full study from Washington University here.

For Research Use Only. Not for use in diagnostic procedures.

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